edX Online

edX privacy policy

Last updated

edX Cookie Policy

edX LLC (a 2U, Inc. company, also “edX,” “we,” or “us” in this Privacy Policy) cares about the confidentiality and security of your information. edX operates the edX Site, which consists of content and pages located within the edX.org web domain and edX mobile applications.

The edX Site allows you to:

  • Browse courses and programs offered by edX, our Members (as defined below), 2U, Inc. (the parent company of edX) and 2U, Inc.’s subsidiaries (together “2U”), 2U’s partners, and other, non-Member institutions;
  • Create an edX account;
  • Sign up to receive more information about some courses and programs on the edX Site;
  • Enroll in some of the courses on the edX Site; and
  • Participate in some of the courses on the edX Site, including engaging with course content, taking tests, obtaining your results and any certificates, and providing feedback following a course.

Some courses available on the edX Site are offered by our Members. This term refers to educational institutions or other leading global entities that create courses and/or programs using tools provided by edX and offer those courses directly to you through the edX Site.

Other courses and programs are viewable on the edX Site but are provided by educational institutions, corporate, and non-profit partners that are not Members and/or are offered in partnership with 2U. Signing up to receive more information about, enrolling in, or participating in these courses or programs may take place on third-party sites (or, in some cases, sites operated by 2U) that are not subject to this Privacy Policy. The privacy policies explaining how your Personal Information (as defined below) will be collected, used, and disclosed when you enroll and participate in those courses and programs, and your rights over your Personal Information, will be made available to you when you visit the relevant site, begin the enrollment process, or start the course or program, as applicable.

This Privacy Policy describes how edX collects, uses, and shares your Personal Information when you interact with the edX Site or when someone interacts with the site on your behalf (e.g., the Learning & Development administrator for the institution sponsoring your enrollment). The term “Personal Information” (as used throughout this Privacy Policy) is information that relates to an individual who can be directly or indirectly identified.

This Privacy Policy also describes how edX uses your Personal Information when you interact with edX on certain other sites (e.g., on social media sites). Finally, it describes how Members collect, use, and share your Personal Information when you enroll in courses offered by those Members on the edX Site.

If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not access, browse, or create an account on the edX Site, enroll in any courses, or complete any form requesting additional information about offerings on the edX Site. Any version of this Privacy Policy in a language other than English is provided for convenience, and the English language version is the authoritative version if there is any conflict.



    1. Browsing the edX Site and courses, creating an edX account, signing up to receive more information about courses, and communicating with edX

      edX collects information from you when you create an edX account and/or sign up to receive more information about courses offered on the edX Site. For example, we require your name, username, email address and country of residence when you create an account. (You can voluntarily choose to share additional information in your profile, but this is not required.) We also require your contact details when you sign up to receive more information about courses, otherwise we cannot send you this information, and we collect information from you when you send messages to us (whether on the edX Site or on other platforms, e.g., social media sites). You may unsubscribe from edX promotional emails at any time by clicking “unsubscribe” on the emails you receive from us.

      edX also automatically collects information about your visit to the edX Site when you browse courses on the edX Site, as explained in our Cookie Policy.

      Some courses or programs are viewable on the edX Site but are offered in partnership with other providers, including 2U. When you sign up to receive more information about these courses or programs, you supply your Personal Information directly to that provider or otherwise direct edX to share your information with that provider. In those cases, the privacy policies explaining the Personal Information that the provider collects, and how the provider uses it, will be made available to you when you sign up. If you later choose to unsubscribe from receiving promotional messages about these courses or programs, you must do so directly with the course provider by clicking “unsubscribe” on the email you receive from that provider. Providers of other courses or programs for which you have signed up to receive information will continue to send you communications unless and until you unsubscribe directly with that provider.

    2. Enrolling in courses

      edX collects information from you when you enroll in courses on the edX Site. For example, if you enroll in any course on the edX Site that requires payment to access the course and/or be eligible for a Verified Certificate of Achievement, we require Personal Information to enable you to pay for that course, so that our third-party vendor can process payment. A Verified Certificate of Achievement (“Certificate”) is a virtual certificate that shows that you have successfully completed your edX course or program or other product or service. You can also provide additional information if you wish to apply for financial assistance to pay for a course.

      Note that edX does not itself collect or store financial account numbers or identification issued by a governmental entity, employer, or other authority. Instead, if you choose to make a purchase on the edX Site, you will be directed to edX’s third-party payment processor. If you do not wish to submit the required payment information, then you will not be able to move forward with your purchase.

      edX also automatically collects information about your visit to the edX Site when you enroll in courses on the edX Site, as explained in the Cookie Policy.

      When you enroll in a course on the edX Site, the Member that offers the course will receive Personal Information from your edX account profile.

      As set out above, enrollment for some courses and programs viewable on the edX Site takes place on other sites, including those operated by 2U. In those cases, this Privacy Policy does not apply. The course or program provider’s privacy policy will be made available to you when you begin the enrollment or application process.

    3. Participating in courses

      edX collects information from you when you participate in courses offered on the edX Site. For example, we collect the information that you submit as part of your participation in the course, that you include in messages to edX (including messages to learner support), that you provide in user surveys, or that you provide on public forums, webinars and other interactive experiences on the edX Site. We also require Personal Information when you participate in remote proctoring or other course facilitation processes, so that edX’s third-party vendor can monitor and assess the integrity of your course activity, or when you earn a Certificate (the certificate will have your name on it).

      edX also collects usage information about your participation in courses, as explained in the Cookie Policy.

      When you participate in a course, the Member that offers the course will receive Personal Information about your activity and performance in the course.

      As set out above, participation for some courses and programs viewable on the edX Site takes place on other sites, including those operated by 2U. In those cases, this Privacy Policy does not apply. The course or program provider’s privacy policy will be made available to you when you begin your participation in the course or program.

    4. Information Collected from Other Sources

      Where permitted by law, we collect or receive information about you from Members, your employer or potential employer, third parties to which you indicate that you would like to learn more about a course or program offered on the edX Site, organizations that are our partners, companies to which you’ve provided your information for professional or continuing education opportunities, or 2U (collectively “Other Sources”) in order to update or supplement the information that you provide or that we collect automatically when you visit the edX Site. We use this information to help us maintain the accuracy of the information we collect, to target our communications so that we can inform you of products, services or other offers that may be of interest to you, and for internal business analysis or other business purposes. We collect Personal Information from Other Sources with your consent where such consent is required or, otherwise, for the purposes of our legitimate interests, as further described below in How edX uses your Personal Information.

    5. Children’s Information

      We do not direct the edX Site to, nor do we knowingly collect any Personal Information via the edX Site from, children under the age of 13. If you learn that a child has provided us with Personal Information in violation of this Privacy Policy, you may notify us at privacy@edx.org.


    edX uses information, including Personal Information, to carry out the following purposes:

    • Operate and improve the edX Site — We use information we collect for this purpose, including creating and improving features that support the edX community and enable edX Site usage at scale. This also includes personalizing the edX Site, so your learning experience is tailored to your interests and needs. We do this to meet our legitimate business interests in offering the most useful and helpful experience for our learners.
    • Create, administer, provide, and teach courses — We use information we collect for this purpose, including creating and improving the delivery of massive open online courses and programs on the edX Site. This also includes personalizing courses, so your learning experience is tailored to your interests and needs, assessing your performance, and awarding Certificates. We do this to meet our legitimate business interests in offering the most useful courses possible.
    • Offer and improve products and services — We use information we collect for this purpose, including enabling you to navigate the edX Site, to enroll and participate in courses and programs on the edX Site, to learn effectively in such courses and programs, to purchase or obtain products and services on the edX Site such as Certificates, and to invite you to participate in market research. We offer products and services on the basis that it is necessary to fulfill our contractual obligations to you under the Terms of Service and improve our products and services to meet our legitimate interests in offering the highest-quality online courses and programs available.
    • Develop and maintain the security and performance of the edX Site — We use information we collect for this purpose, including tracking edX Site outages and creating software solutions, detecting violations of the Honor Code and Terms of Service, and monitoring uses, misuses, and potential misuses of the edX Site. We do this to meet our legal obligations to keep Personal Information secure and to meet our legitimate business interests in keeping the edX Site available at all times.
    • Communicate with you — As permitted by law, we use information we collect for this purpose, including answering your course and platform questions and notifying you of course and edX Site maintenance and updates. We do this on the basis of our legitimate interests in keeping learners up to date about our platform and responding to learner questions.
    • Promote courses and programs — As permitted by law, we use information we collect for this purpose, including developing and providing promotional and advertising materials that may be useful, relevant, valuable or otherwise of interest to you. We send marketing and advertising to you about course offerings, programs, news, and related products and services of edX or edX affiliates (including 2U), as well as communications about products or services of selected business partners that may be of interest to you. Where required by law, we only send you marketing that you have asked for or that you have given your consent to receive. In other cases, we send marketing to meet our legitimate business interests to promote our business.
    • Support scientific research including, for example, in the areas of cognitive science and education — We use the information about your participation in courses for this purpose, including collaborating to enable and conduct research about how learners access and master course materials online, with the goal of improving course outcomes. We do this to meet our legitimate interests in supporting scientific and educational research.
    • Track edX Site usage against goals and mission — We use information we collect for this purpose, including performing analytics to evaluate access to and performance in courses and course-related products and services and to report aggregate usage information (not Personal Information) to business partners and external audiences. We do this on the basis of our legitimate interests in completing and furthering our goals and the mission of the edX Site.
    • Exercise, enforce, and comply with legal rights and obligations — In some circumstances, we use information we collect for this purpose, including responding to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal process; and investigating, preventing, or taking action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, security or technical issues, or to protect the rights, property, or safety of edX, our Members, 2U, or others, and as otherwise required by applicable law. We do this to comply with applicable law (including laws requiring us to keep Personal Information secure), or to meet our legitimate interests in preventing illegal activity, and/or protecting our rights and those of others.

    edX may also seek your consent for additional uses of information, including Personal Information, and in such cases will use your Personal Information only for the purpose described to you. All use of Personal Information is subject to applicable law.


    edX shares the information we collect about you, including Personal Information, with other entities or individuals in the following circumstances:

    • With Members — Members receive your Personal Information when you enroll or participate in their courses or programs, as described in Section V below.
    • With service providers, contractors, and other third parties that help carry out the uses described above — We share your information with third parties that provide business, professional, or technical support functions for us. These service providers are only given access to your information to the extent necessary to process your information and/or provide services to edX, and they are prohibited from using or sharing your information for any other purposes. They also are required to handle Personal Information in a confidential manner and maintain reasonable security practices. In some cases, the edX Site and individual courses are integrated with services or content provided by third parties not affiliated with edX (“Third-Party Content”). Third-Party Content linked to or embedded on the edX Site is governed by the privacy policies of those third parties. Your use of Third-Party Content is subject to each site’s privacy policy, which may be different from ours. We have no control over the information that is collected, stored, or used by Third-Party Content. For more information about exercising your choices regarding personalized ads offered through our advertising partners, please see our Cookie Policy.
    • With other learners in courses that you take and with other visitors to the edX Site, to create an interactive learning environment, support class participation, and share course information — This includes sharing comments, coursework, or other information or content that you submit to a portion of the edX Site designed for viewing by other class members or for public communication. This also includes providing opportunities for you to communicate with other users who may have similar interests or educational goals, for instance, recommending specific study partners or connecting potential student mentees and mentors. In such cases, edX may use all information collected about you to determine who might be interested in communicating with you but will only provide others your username (for clarity, no disclosure of your real name or email address).
    • With employers, government programs, institutions, or other enterprises that sponsor your enrollment in a course for training or other educational purposes — If an entity pays for or otherwise sponsors your Certificate or course participation, edX will share information with the entity as needed to confirm your enrollment, participation, progress, and completion status in that course.
    • With affiliates of edX, including 2U — All Personal Information shared by edX with 2U will be used consistent with this Privacy Policy.
    • For legal or safety reasons — We access or share your information to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request; in connection with an investigation on matters related to public safety; as permitted by law; or otherwise as required by law. We disclose your information to protect the security of the edX Site and our servers, network systems, and databases. We also disclose your information, as necessary, if we believe that there has been a violation of our Honor Code or Terms of Service (including investigation of potential violations thereof), any other legal document or contract related to the edX Site, or the rights of any third party.
    • To detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or other technical issues.
    • Pursuant to a sale or transfer of business or assets — edX may sell or purchase assets during the normal course of our business. If another entity acquires us or any of our assets, information we have collected about you may be transferred to such entity. In addition, if any bankruptcy or reorganization proceeding is brought by or against us, such information may be considered an asset of ours and may be sold or transferred to third parties. Should such a sale or transfer occur, we will use reasonable efforts to try to require that the transferee use your information in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Policy.

    edX may also seek your consent for additional disclosures of information, including Personal Information, and will share it only as described to you or as described in this Privacy Policy. In addition, edX may de-identify or aggregate your Personal Information and share it with the public and with third parties, including, but not limited to, researchers and business partners.

    We may transfer Personal Information from your location to other countries, including Australia, Canada, the European Economic Area, Mexico, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States, where our employees and/or servers are located. Where your Personal Information is transferred outside of the country where you are located, such information is adequately protected by an adequacy decision by EU authorities, Standard Contractual Clauses, or a service provider’s Binding Corporate Rules. A copy of the relevant mechanism can be provided for your review on request to privacy@edx.org.


    Members receive your Personal Information after you enroll in a course or program offered by that Member or otherwise with your express consent. If you enroll in a course, the Member that offers that course will receive Personal Information from your edX account profile. During your participation in a course, the Member that offers that course will receive the information that edX collects about your activity and performance in that course.

    Members use your Personal Information for the following purposes:

    • Create, administer, provide, and teach courses;
    • Offer and improve products and services;
    • Communicate with you;
    • Promote courses and programs;
    • Support scientific research including, for example, in the areas of cognitive science and education; and
    • Exercise, enforce, and comply with legal rights and obligations.

    Members share your Personal Information in the following ways:

    • With service providers, contractors, and other third parties;
    • With other learners in courses that you take and with other visitors to the edX Site, to create an interactive learning environment, support class participation, and share course information;
    • With their affiliates;
    • For legal or safety reasons;
    • To detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or other technical issues; and
    • Pursuant to a sale or transfer of business or assets.

    Members may also seek your consent for additional use or sharing of information, including Personal Information, and will use/share it only for the purpose described to you. All use and sharing of Personal Information is subject to applicable law. Members may de-identify or aggregate your Personal Information and share it with the public and with third parties, including but not limited to researchers and business partners.


    You can manage your Personal Information through learner features on the edX Site and requests to the edX learner support team. If your request involves information controlled by a Member, edX will, as applicable, notify the appropriate Member to address your request. edX will provide support to the extent required by applicable law (e.g., for learners in the European Union, United Kingdom, South Africa, Brazil, the People’s Republic of China, California, Virginia, Colorado, Connecticut and other locations) and more broadly when possible, as a courtesy in our sole discretion. edX will notify you in the event that edX is unable to meet a request that is not legally required. Similarly, Members will only be obligated to comply with requests to the extent legally required but may choose to comply with other requests in their sole discretion. If you believe your rights regarding your Personal Information have been infringed upon, please contact us at privacy@edx.org. Individuals with unresolved concerns may have the right to lodge a complaint with their applicable data protection authority.

    If you have requested information about and/or enrolled in courses or programs offered on third-party sites or by providers that are not Members, including courses or programs offered by 2U, the privacy policies relevant to those courses or programs describe how to exercise your rights over your Personal Information.

    1. Access and correct your Personal Information

      Much of your Personal Information is available in your edX account. Your name, email address, and other identifiable profile information is editable through your edX Account Settings except as noted below. Your account dashboard lists all current and archived courses in which you have enrolled and includes links to any Certificates you may have earned. You may download copies of your earned Certificates directly from your edX account. Please contact edX learner support to request any corrections to your Personal Information.

      Please note that usernames cannot be changed. This is an edX system restriction. Because usernames identify you in courses and elsewhere on the edX Site, edX encourages you to use discretion in choosing your username. If you want to protect your identity, do not use your real name or a name identifiable to you as your username. Also, edX does not track or index every time or every place on the edX Site when or where a learner may volunteer Personal Information, so neither edX nor Members will be able to help you locate or manage all such instances. edX encourages you to use discretion before volunteering Personal Information on the edX Site.

    2. Restrict or object to the processing of Personal Information

      If you want to manage emails and other communications edX sends to you, you may update your preferences in your edX account dashboard, follow the steps described in links at the bottom of email messages, or contact edX learner support. If you exercise your right to unsubscribe from promotional emails or other communications from edX, you will continue to receive promotional emails and other communications from providers that you have not yet exercised this right in relation to, unless and until you unsubscribe directly with that provider. To unsubscribe from marketing messages you receive after requesting information about a program or course offered by a non-Member provider, including 2U and its affiliated companies, please follow the links at the bottom of those email messages.

      You may object to, or request that edX or a Member cease, use of your Personal Information for other purposes by contacting the edX learner support team. Please note that if you choose to restrict edX’s or a Member’s ability to process Personal Information, and the processing is otherwise required to provide you with various services and products offered on the edX Site, you may not be able to establish an edX user account or enroll in a course, and edX or a Member may not be able to provide you with those services or products.

    3. Delete account and Personal Information

      To request deletion of your edX account and Personal Information, you should click the button labeled “Delete my account” in your edX account settings. Because this is a permanent action and cannot be reversed, edX may ask you to complete an authentication process that aims to confirm your authority to manage the edX account affected by your request.

      With respect to your edX account, edX will permanently:

      • deactivate your edX account,
      • remove the active profile,
      • retire your username, and
      • remove you from edX email lists.

      With respect to your Personal Information, edX will permanently remove your edX account profile Personal Information from the edX Site.

      As noted above, to the extent that edX associates the information that edX collects directly or indirectly with an individual (for example, you), the association is based on Personal Information in your edX account profile. By erasing the Personal Information in your edX account profile, the remaining information about your activity on the edX Site will no longer be associated with you. These changes will be applied to data stores that are used for operation of the edX Site including course administration by Members. If you enrolled in any courses or programs on the edX Site, edX will share your request for deletion with the Member(s) that offered those courses or programs.

      We retain some data for a further period for the purposes described in Section VI.D below. We also do not track or index every time or every place on the edX Site when or where a learner may volunteer Personal Information, so neither edX nor Members will be able to help you locate or manage all such instances. edX encourages you to think carefully before voluntarily sharing Personal Information on the edX Site.

    4. Data retention

      edX will retain your Personal Information for as long as your account is active or as needed to: provide you with services you have requested; maintain a record of your transactions for financial reporting, audit, and compliance purposes; or comply with edX’s legal obligations, resolve disputes, enforce our agreements, and as otherwise permitted by applicable law. If you enroll in a Member’s course, such Member will also retain your Personal Information for as long as needed to provide you with services you have requested; to maintain a record of your transactions for financial reporting, audit, and compliance purposes; and to comply with its legal obligations, resolve disputes, enforce its agreements, and as otherwise permitted by applicable law. Upon your request that edX deactivate your account and delete your information, edX will, within 30 days of your request, follow the process described in Section VI.C above, including, without limitation, archiving your course data (in a manner and to the extent permitted under applicable law) to serve its mission to enable scientific research on cognitive science and education. These archives will be used to produce encrypted research data packages for Members, and each such Member may also keep and use course data for scientific research.


    Categories of Personal Information that We Collect and Disclose

    As required by the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), below are the categories of Personal Information about California consumers that we collect and disclose for a business purpose.

    We collect and disclose for a business purpose the following categories of Personal Information:

    • Contact Information and Identifiers, including real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, IP address, email address, phone number, account name, or other similar identifiers.
    • Commercial Information, including records of products and services purchased and purchasing history.
    • Customer Records, including paper and electronic customer records containing Personal Information, such as name, signature, address, telephone number, physical characteristics (profile photograph), education, employment, employment history, financial information relevant to your payments, or medical information relevant to your participation in a course or program offered on the edX Site.
    • Usage Data, including internet or other electronic network activity information, such as information about how you interact with our services or advertisements.
    • Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory or similar information, including audio/video recordings of class sessions.
    • Biometric information, including facial recognition used for identity verification, where required by the Member, and remote proctoring.
    • Employment History, including professional or employment-related information.
    • Education Information, including information about education history or background.
    • Protected Classifications, characteristics of protected classifications under California or federal law such as race, color, sex, age, gender identity, national origin, disability and citizenship status.
    • Inferences drawn from any of the information identified above reflecting your preferences and characteristics.

    Categories of Sources of Personal Information

    The categories of sources of Personal Information we collect are described in the Information that edX collects from and about you above.

    Purposes for Collecting and Disclosing Personal Information

    We collect and disclose the Personal Information identified above for the following purposes:

    • Operate and improve the edX Site;
    • Create, administer, provide, personalize, and teach courses;
    • Offer and improve products and services;
    • Develop and maintain the security and performance of the edX Site;
    • Communicate with you, including answering your course and platform questions and notifying you of course and edX Site maintenance and updates;
    • Promote courses and programs, including developing and providing promotional and advertising materials that may be useful, relevant, valuable or otherwise of interest to you, on behalf of edX and our business partners;
    • Support scientific research including, for example, in the areas of cognitive science and education;
    • Track edX Site usage against our goals and mission;
    • Exercise, enforce, and comply with legal rights and obligations, including our Terms of Service and Honor Code; and
    • For other purposes for which we provide specific notice at the time the information is collected.

    edX may also seek your consent for additional uses of information, including Personal Information.

    Categories of Third Parties to Which Personal Information is Disclosed

    We disclose the categories of Personal Information identified above to the following categories of third parties:

    • Members (all categories of Personal Information),
    • Third-party providers that serve business, professional or technical support functions (all categories of Personal Information),
    • 2U, Inc. (parent company of edX) and 2U’s affiliated companies (all categories of Personal Information),
    • Your employer or sponsor, or their designee (Contact Information and Identifiers, Customer Records, Employment History, Education Information),
    • Potential employers (Contact Information and Identifiers, Customer Records, Employment History, Education Information), or
    • Third parties for legal matters or safety purposes (all categories of Personal Information).

    In some cases, we disclose Identifiers and Usage Data to business partners in order to deliver ads that are more relevant to you and to measure and report on the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns. Under the CCPA, some of these data disclosures may be broadly considered a “sale” of information or “sharing” of information for cross-context behavioral advertising, even though these activities do not fit what most people would understand “sale” or “sharing” to mean. Except for these types of disclosures, we do not sell or share your information. To opt out of the sale of your Personal Information or the sharing of your Personal Information for cross-context behavioral advertising, please visit , also linked at the bottom of each page on the edX Site.

    Data Retention Periods

    edX will retain your Personal Information for as long as your account is active or as needed to: provide you with services you have requested; maintain a record of your transactions for financial reporting, audit, and compliance purposes; or comply with edX’s legal obligations, resolve disputes, enforce our agreements, and as otherwise permitted by applicable law. Upon your request that edX deactivate your account and delete your information, edX will, within 30 days of your request, follow the process described in Section VI.C above, including, without limitation, archiving your course data (in a manner and to the extent permitted under applicable law) to serve its mission to enable scientific research on cognitive science and education. These archives will be used to produce encrypted research data packages for Members, and each such Member may also keep and use course data for scientific research.

    California Consumer Rights

    California law gives California consumers the right to make the following requests:

    • The right to opt-out of the sale or sharing of your Personal Information.
    • The right to request a copy of the Personal Information that we have collected about you in the prior 12 months.
    • The right to request deletion of the Personal Information that we have collected from you, subject to certain exemptions (for example, where the information is used by us to detect security incidents, debugging or to comply with a legal obligation).
    • The right to correct inaccurate Personal Information that we maintain about you.
    • The right to request more details about the Personal Information we collect and how and why we use and share it, including the categories of Personal Information we have collected about you, the categories of sources for Personal Information we collect, the business or commercial purposes for collecting Personal Information, and the categories of third parties with which we share Personal Information.

    You can submit a copy, deletion, correction or right-to-know request online by following the steps outlined in How to manage your Personal Information above, by calling us at (1) 888-278-0813, or by emailing privacy@edx.org. To opt out of the sale of your Personal Information or the sharing of your Personal Information for cross-context behavioral advertising, please visit , also linked at the bottom of each page on the edX Site.

    If you implement browser-based opt-out preference signals, edX will opt you out of the sale of your Personal Information and sharing of your Personal Information for cross-context behavioral advertising. You can enable these signals through your browser settings for browsers that offer them. Please refer to your browser for additional information and instructions.

    You may authorize another person (your “authorized agent”) to submit a request on your behalf through the methods described above. Your authorized agent should submit proof that you gave the agent signed permission to submit the request. We may still require you to directly verify your identity and directly confirm that you have provided the authorized agent permission to submit the request.

    You have the right not to receive discriminatory treatment for the exercise of your CCPA privacy rights, subject to certain limitations. We do not discriminate if you exercise your rights under the CCPA. edX does not use or disclose your sensitive Personal Information for purposes other than those set forth in the CCPA.

    California’s Shine the Light Law. If you are a California resident and do not want edX to disclose your information to third parties (including to 2U, Inc, and its affiliated companies or Members) for their direct marketing purposes, you may opt out by contacting edX learner support.


    edX stores information, including Personal Information, on its own servers and on servers of companies that edX hires to provide services. Each Member also stores information, including Personal Information, on its own servers and/or on servers of companies that the Member hires to provide services. In each case, information may be stored in the United States and in other countries where edX or a Member operates, and in countries where edX and each Member’s respective service providers operate. If you are in the European Union, Switzerland, or other regions with laws governing data collection and use, you acknowledge that edX and each Member may transfer, process and store your Personal Information in the United States and other countries, the privacy laws of which may be considered less strict than those of your region.

    edX controls its own copy of information collected through the edX Site and has an information security program designed to protect information in its possession or control. This is done through a variety of privacy and security policies, processes, and procedures. edX uses administrative, physical, and technical safeguards that reasonably and appropriately protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information that it collects, receives, stores, or transmits. Nonetheless, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure; and therefore, edX cannot guarantee its absolute security. While edX works hard to ensure the integrity and security of its network and systems, edX cannot guarantee that its security measures will prevent unauthorized persons from illegally accessing or obtaining information.

    If edX learns of a security breach involving its copy of your Personal Information, edX may attempt to notify you electronically so that you may take appropriate protective steps. By using the edX Site or providing Personal Information to edX, you agree that edX can communicate with you electronically regarding security, privacy, and administrative issues relating to your use of the edX Site. If a security systems breach occurs, edX may post a notice on the edX homepage (www.edx.org) or elsewhere on the edX Site and may send an email to you at the email address associated with your edX account. Depending on where you are located, you may have a legal right to receive notice of a security breach, involving your Personal Information, in writing.

    If a Member learns of a security breach involving that Member’s copy of your Personal Information, the Member may attempt to notify you electronically so that you may take appropriate protective steps. By enrolling in a Member’s course on the edX Site or providing Personal Information to the Member, you agree that the Member can communicate with you electronically regarding security, privacy, and administrative issues relating to your course enrollment and participation. If a security systems breach occurs, the affected Member may post a notice on the edX site and/or send an email to you at the email address associated with your enrollment in the Member’s course on the edX Site. Depending on where you are located, you may have a legal right to receive notice of a security breach, involving your Personal Information, in writing.


    This Privacy Policy will be reviewed and updated from time to time. When we do make material changes, we will give notice via the edX Site or by otherwise notifying you. The Privacy Policy will include a “Last Updated” date indicating that you should review the new terms, which will be effective immediately upon posting on this page. By accessing the edX Site after any changes have been made, you accept the modified Privacy Policy and any changes contained therein. In case you miss the notification referenced above, be sure to return to this page periodically to ensure familiarity with the most current version of this Privacy Policy.


    If you have privacy concerns, have disclosed data you would prefer to keep private, or would like to access, delete or correct the Personal Information that edX maintains about you, please contact us at privacy@edx.org. You may also write to us at: ATTN: PRIVACY, edX LLC, 7900 Harkins Road, Lanham, MD 20709 USA. If your request involves a Member, edX will, as appropriate, notify the appropriate Member of your request.

    If you reside in the EU, you can contact our EU representative at DataRep, The Cube, Monahan Road, Cork, T12 H1XY, Republic of Ireland, privacy@edx.org. If you reside in the UK, you can contact our UK representative at 2U Group (UK) Ltd, c/o Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom (UK) LLP, 22 Bishopsgate, London, United Kingdom, EC2N 4BQ, +44 20 3457 5774, privacy@edx.org.

    Depending on your location, you also may have the right to file a complaint with the data protection regulatory authority in the country where you reside.

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